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Larry Baker Presents to HACC Engineering Class
Last week Larry Baker spoke to the freshman engineering class at the Harrisburg Area Community College. Larry explained the role of structural engineers and presented some examples of different projects. Potential careers in the civil [...]
BI&A attends DE Chapter of ABC Awards Dinner
Paynter Ingram, Thomas Woods, John Wood, and Thomas Magrino attended the Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. Delaware Chapter Awards dinner on November 16, 2017. The program was held in the Chase Center on the Riverfront [...]
Workday at Brandywine Red Clay Alliance Barn
Baker Ingram & Associates was requested to provide pro bono service for the Brandywine Red Clay Alliance barn. The rubble stone, rear wall of this historic barn was observed to be bulging. We reviewed the [...]
BI&A Sponsors AIA Chesapeake Bay Design Awards Gala
BI&A was privileged to be a sponsor for the AIA Chesapeake Bay Excellence in Design Awards Gala held Friday, November 10th.